Monday, June 27, 2011

Feeling Put-Upon

GRRRRRRRR DEFinately feeling a certain kind of way today. Feeling very much PUT UPON by others.

Ever ask yourself (albeit selfishly) "why don't I ever spend any time doing what I want? Why am I constantly doing things that make me unhappy that others want me to do!?" FEELING that way today!!$%#!

AMONGST the people making me feel put upon are people I spend the most blood sweat and tears trying to help, make right or reconcile with. I don't understand, and I believe I forever won't, why people PURPOSELY make things EXCEEDINGLY difficult FOR THEMSELVES. KNOWINGLY. When the options are A-relax, or B- get crazy; they opt for B EVERY TIME.

Ever have something come along and just take the wind out of your sails? Suddenly everything gets 100% harder. Depression and the death of a pt will do that to you. Add to that this exasperation and exhaustion of being put upon and try to stay afloat. Try to keep your social life afloat. Your personal life. Your family life. EX-AS-PER-ATED. Just plain ANGRY!!!??$?$$$@@@!!!!

So here is my personal recommendation, world. Next time you have options to either, A-relax, or B- get crazy, go against the gut and choose A. Sit down with a nice cold beverage and inhale, exhale; inhale, exhale....